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Home Theater: A Thing of the Past or a Promising Future?

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Source Interlink recently renamed its publication of Home Theater Magazine, which caused some confusion on why it was remerging as Vision + Sound? Did it have something to do with the doomed fate of home theater? To answer this question, no. The publication was renamed to expand its focus and home theaters are not going anywhere, anytime soon. Although smart phones, headphones and other tech gadgets seem to be at the forefront of technology while home theater is still silently lagging behind, we point to quality over quantity. Here are 8 reasons why you won’t have to remodel your home theater room into your wife’s craft room anytime soon.

1. TV Programming is at the top of it’s Game.

Let’s face it, TV programming has come leaps and bounds the past few years. Network, cable and internet shows are on fire and media outlets like Netflix and Hulu make it even easier to binge watch your favorite shows. Regardless of ipad and other devices becoming acessible to watch your shows, nothing beats a 7.1 surround system or seeing crystal clear images on a 65 inch plus screen.

2. Gear Prices are Dropping.

The best of the best in AV gear and components are becoming more realistic for the average Joe. You don’t have to be a millionaire anymore to own a projector anymore. A project from a few years ago might have caused you 10k. These days you can get one that’s significantly better for around 3k.

3. Media Sources Have Been Upgraded.

No more spending time ripping CD’s. Your media can be easily be loaded onto a NAS drive,a hub that can run off every system in your home. These typically cost around $200 but save you a lot of time and make streaming your media a breeze. New HDTV’s also come with Netflix, Hulu, Apple and Amazon so you can access any back-catalog movies.

4. Sound Bars Don’t Always Cut it.

As good as sound bars have gotten, they still can’t compete with the latest 5.1 and 7.1 caliberated speakers from brands like Paradign, Aperion, Orb Audio or EMP Tek. Sound experience from in-HDTV speakers will never give you the sound that even a small sub can project.

5. The Internet Offers Cosumers More Options.

Consumers have more outlets to buy AV equipment. They can use sites like Ebay, Craigslist and Audiogon to get the same superior components at lower prices.

6. High Resolution Audio is Happening.

Music in high-resolution is readily available in 24-bit/192 kHz resolution with brands like Accoustic Sounds, AIX Records, 2L and more.

7. OLED and Ultra HD are on the Market. 

Crystal cut resolution that is so vivid you can see the sweat, is available everywhere. OLED is already here at 1080P andwill soon arrive in Ultra HD. It’s still on the pricey side for the average consumer, but with a few years of development will be well on it’s way to mainstream.

8. Day-and-Date Movie Releases are on the Horizon.

There is plenty of talk in the air about cinema movie releases falling into the hands of consumers. Though it’s still a long way off, and currently on the extra pricey side, we can expect that some day it will be a reality. Prima Cinema’s $35,000 component will currently let you allow its views $500 per movie of first-run films. So while it’s not pocket change, it is on its way to home theater owner’s hands.

So since we’ve given you so many good reasons to keep your equipment up to date-make the investment today and revamp your home theater. Contact us today at Houston Installation and we’ll help keep you on the cutting edge of AV equipment and gear.

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